Is anyone out there beginning to experience Facebook fatigue? I can speak for myself and say yes. First it seems the heavy users of Facebook gauge their popularity in how many friends they have or how many likes they get and if we all stood back to think about this fact is it not troubling?
It would seem that we are all staying inside on the couch a lot more and this behavior is translating to our kids. I am as guilty as many about not being able to just put my phone down and forget about it. We are all completely tied to technology at such an unhealthy level now. I grew up until my 20’s without a cell phone or computer so what has changed? Why is immediate connectivity so important now?
Well I’ve made a decision. My wife, my family and my life are too important to waste away on Facebook. I am going to make a change. I won’t entirely step away from Facebook but I will be on it much less. It’s time to focus on what’s important to me and that is not on my computer screen! The people that are most important to me, and I them, know how to communicate with me. I really think that my life will be much simpler and I will enjoy my lovely wife more. I will concentrate on what is around me and the people around me.
This announcement will not shake anyone’s world but my own but I wanted people to know I’m not just disappearing. I am trying to make a healthy change. I will look in now and again but as I said it will not be every day and it will not be on the hour. To all of you who feel compelled to live your life on Facebook I wish you the best but don’t forget about the people around you that you may actually be ignoring even if they don’t say so. Life is short…..don’t waste it away online.