Thursday, April 24, 2014

A Little About Tom

So there is this man I have been working with at my new position by the name of Tom. Tom is retiring tomorrow and going to enjoy his new life travelling and doing what he wants when he wants. I’m certain everyone is envious to some extent but this was not given to Tom. Tom has worked hard all his life to provide for himself and his family. He has many experiences in his past jobs as well as his current one and if you've spent even minutes with Tom you've heard some of them.

Tom is one of these people that although I've only known since February, I feel like I’ve known him all my life. That said Tom is not afraid to tell it like it is and I think that is one of the quality things about him I admire so much. Love him or hate him you will never have a question about where he stands on most anything from doctors to medicine to food to music (a lot of 50’s and I mean a lot) and the list goes on and on.

So to wrap this little tribute up I feel I should say one more thing. The field I am in I have been in for many years but the sales aspect is somewhat new to me. Tom has taught me more in just 2 months in sales on a practical level than anyone I've met. If I succeed, which I plan on doing, it can be directly related to this guy’s help. So Tom, I wish you God’s speed and only the best in your next step in life. You truly deserve to be right where you are and to now enjoy your freedom. (as long as Karen says it’s ok)

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Dear Linda.....

Dear Linda, Well you are on the mend and won’t likely read this for several days but what happened just emphasizes in my mind how you are so important to me. Until a challenge comes along, I don’t think we always know how we will react or how we will cope. Out of suffering comes great revelations about a person’s character and you were no different through all of this. You handled these challenges with grace and yes perhaps a little anxiety at times but even at your lowest point, the humor and sparkle never left those eyes.

During the cancer period, you were strong, had a great attitude that it was not going to beat you and just pushed through it with a smile, much more of a smile than I could muster I must add. That was difficult for me in various ways but even this recent health challenge was different. As much as we think we know God’s plan, or at least have an impact on his plan, an event like this taught me once again, that every moment is precious. (and fleeting) The last minute of your life you took to read this you cannot get back. While that certainly cannot be disputed, the older I get the more I realize how finite those minutes are or can be. The reason the statement, “youth is wasted on the young” is the very point I am trying to make. In our youth time is but a vehicle to get us from one place to the next. When we get older we realize how precious that vehicle really is and how blessed we are to have enough time in this world to make a difference.

So all indications are you will be getting out of the hospital soon. This event cemented in stone how much you mean to me and how important it is that we go on together for years to come to make the very most of those minutes we each have left in this world. Money and things are temporary….love, although not as popular a concept these days, is forever. I am blessed to have my best friend be by my side. Events like this drive the point home.

So I am very happy to be able to see the light at the end of the tunnel with your recent malady and, as I always do, wait in eager anticipation of your return home. One more thing…you should know, as I’m sure you do, that you have an extended Facebook network of friends and family who have been praying for you since this began. Along with Facebook, you have a huge contingency of Methodists and Episcopalians that are also praying for you and helping you through this. All of these people only strengthen my resolve and all of the prayers truly lift you up above these challenges. So be as grateful as I am that these people both near and far have been with you every step of the way!

My name may be Peter but YOU are truly my rock.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Youthful Perspective

“Youth is wasted on the young.” I’m not certain who coined that phrase first but it is indeed a cruel irony that as adults we understand that point but as children, no amount of drilling it in our craniums would or will make a difference. I thought I would offer up a little of my own perspective.

Recent events in my life have made me think a little about what the differences are between the so called adult way of thinking and the little adults way of thinking. I think it boils down to one evil word for both children and adults; consequences. We make decisions every day that have both intended and unintended consequences. I would submit that children really don’t make the distinction and we as adults should be there to guide them. That being said I would have to also say that many children do a much better job!

So if consequences exist no matter what the age where does experience fit in as far as helping our children. It’s quite simple….anything they are trying to do that may be harmful was probably already performed by the adults in their life. But where children have the advantage is having, and I say this in hope, a backstop of an adult to temper the consequences somewhat. What children will never understand is that as adults our decisions become our own and we have nowhere to look but in the mirror as to the responsibility of said decisions. Children who are fortunate enough to have adult supervision have the real blessing of not being entirely responsible as far as our society as a whole. Yes we try to make them accountable and understand the consequences of bad decisions but oftentimes those consequences and subsequent punishments are kept within the family. We are basically judge and jury. They many times see it as unfair judgment until, of course, they become adults and then it all comes in to focus.

I would state that these are my opinions and I realize some may disagree and that’s fine, you can deal with the consequences of that disagreement. (or not) I have to say that one of the most satisfying things in my lifetime is to see my offspring finally understand why they were held to a certain yardstick of behavior and how children of today measure up. (or don’t) So keep the dialogue open and free with your children because at some point in your life, hopefully, you will have the pleasure of watching the light bulb come on in their eyes of how much your love and support made them who they are and made them think the way they think.