This is a topic that sends many running for cover. It is an emotional issue and although viewpoints tend to be very polarizing, I don’t feel like it should be ignored. The topic is gay unions.
I know the arguments on both sides. Some would also say I am arguing semantics and if you feel that way there’s not much use in reading on because I don’t think of it simply as that. You have two words that seem to be the crux of the controversy; marriage and union. Some would say there’s no difference. I would say there’s a hugs difference. You see I have a faith background that has taught me that the bible is the word of God and that fact alone makes me understand that marriage is a sacrament, a sacred bond between a man and a woman. If you believe you are a Christian and you hold the bible to be the ultimate law then you can not deny this. If you do deny this fact then you hold man’s beliefs and culture to be the supreme law.
This is not an indictment against homosexuality. That really is a different discussion altogether. This is taking a sacred event and calling it whatever you want to satisfy human emotions and so called progressive culture.
I think this discussion is really a reflection of what is happening to our world and what is happening to people of faith. We do not define God’s laws as much as we would like to do that. In other words you either live under a set of rules and laws or you make them up as you go just to make life easier for everyone.
As far as the term civil union I do think that is an appropriate description of what it is gays are involved with. That does not discount their love for each other but merely defines what their bond is. I don’t believe they should be denied the legal aspects of what marriage provides but to call it a marriage in my mind is not correct.
So I know I’ve ticked off about half of the people that read my drivel because this topic has split society. I can hear many saying so what’s the big deal? To me it is a big deal specifically because to me God’s word is a big deal.
I don’t pretend to know all the answers but I do know what I believe and as distasteful as it is to some whom would rather I just shut up and go along I will share my opinion. The one really great thing left in our country (at least as this time) is that we are free to express our thoughts without fear of retribution. That could be changing but for now it still exists and as long as it does you will have to suffer through my thoughts.
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