Sunday, August 2, 2009

Ahh summer!!

My lovely wife and I visited our farmer's market this past Saturday and it was in full vigor with all the most delicious and freshest of fruits and vegetables. I love this time of year. I don't care what kind of a hothouse or what foreign country that tries to imitate fresh summer vegetables it can't be done the way God takes care of it.

I challenge you to taste a better tomato than a freshly picked summer tomato and watermelon is absolutely incredible this time of year. I, like many of you, have tried numerous times during the off-seasons to find fresh produce that can replicate what summer produces. There is a taste that is captured during the spring/summer growing season that can not be reproduced artificially. I wonder why that is?

Here's a little observation dealing with our farmer's market. We have a very large, very impressive farmer's market here in Raleigh. We visited it at about 8:30 AM on a Saturday and the place was packed with people and it was getting more packed by the minute. Generally speaking, the people of this area are extremely friendly. That is until there becomes a sort of competition for fresh fruits and vegetables. At that point, it would appear all bets are off! You will see a kind and considerate woman plow over an elderly person for the perfect melon and no apologies will be forthcoming even after CPR is successfully administered. The farmer's market is no place for the weak of mind or body it would appear. The parking lot is also fraught with dangerous drivers and pedestrians just chomping at the bit to take someone out rather than let them get the juiciest peaches.

So there is a price to be paid when it comes to obtaining fresh produce in our city. When you visit, be offensive minded and have your best game face on because only the fittest get the really freshest product. So not only will you be sufficiently satisfied with your sweet tomato sandwich experience but also in knowing you took out a few other competitors to be able to enjoy it.

1 comment:

  1. Note to my sweetie:

    I know I can speak for Karen and for me --any wife of yours KNOWS without a doubt that she is loved! No fear there -- no room or need for regret.

    Love ya!
