Keeping with the theme of my last post on technology, I must tell you my excitement about converting my albums to cds has been tempered just a bit after finally figuring out the process. The instructions (not that I tend to do instructions well) are quite vague and seem to be written by audiophiles for audiophiles of which I am not. The terminology might has well have been written in Sanskrit. Where I did find answers was on this particular software developer's website in a FAQ area. It seems there was another inept audiophile want-to-be who simply posed the question I was trying to formulate and voila the answer was there written in a language I understand: English!
I'm certain that as time goes on and I become more experienced it won't take me the better part of a week to copy one album! So yes as much as I do still like and am impressed with technology it must be entered without any misconceptions that there is a significant learning curve for rookies like myself.
I started looking through all my albums and can't believe some of the crap I have hung on to. I actually have an "All In The Family" album full of skits from that show. I have albums like one my Dad gave me years ago, The Best Of The Osmonds! They gave it as a gift thinking, and I remember this distinctly, that it was hip and popular. I don't believe a needle has ever touched that album and I'm not thinking it's one I will be converting. I will go through more and sometime give a more complete list of all the hideous albums I will never copy. Should anyone want an Osmonds album let me know. It's ripe for the picking.....hey perhaps Craig's List might be the way to go. I might get like a quarter for this thing.
So I was reading an article in today's less than impressive paper about the apparent war beginning between two types of technology. Companies have, in the past six months or so, introduced something called a Netbook. It's basically a junior sized laptop with most of the features of a laptop with a few limitations. Now the Iphone and the Blackberry have competition of sorts for mobile computing. It should be interesting to see this thing unfold and who the winners and losers will be. Personally I could care less about either but I know many are addicted to their "crack"berries and Iphones. My fingers tend to be too large for most anything but a standard keyboard and I'm already way too connected so you may hang on to your mobile computing devices and I will just gawk and wonder if anyone has a life other than the Internet and/or texting.
Another device I have a love-hate relationship with is my printer and my wife's printer. Her HP printer uses up half a cartridge, it would seem, just running the initialization when a cartridge is changed. Pretty slick marketing HP and all the different ink cartridges out there. What's that all about? Could they not become more standardized? It's insane really but a huge moneymaker for all the printer companies.
That's all for now and I will move on to new topics in the future. I am thankful to John for getting me back a real computer that I can actually use. This summarizes the computer and what it means to us all; To err is human, but to really foul things up requires a computer. ~Farmer's Almanac, 1978
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