Sunday, March 14, 2010

federal courts??

I read this short paragraph in a magazine I receive in the security field and just had to reprint this little story just to comment on it so here it is:

A teacher may pursue her lawsuit against her employer for failure to accommodate her depression according to a federal appeals court. The court ruled that the school had a duty to pursue accommodation after the teacher provided a doctor’s statement that the depression was linked to a lack of windows in the teacher’s classroom.

That’s it. It was one little teaser paragraph. I read this paragraph and came away with one major conclusion and that was basically this: Are you kidding me?! I simply can’t fathom this story. Where has this country gone? I complain fairly regularly about how we have become a country of entitlists. If our federal courts can even entertain a case like this I don’t believe it bodes well for our future. If we need to bow down to everyone who has a doctor’s note about every malady, some questionable ones at that, how will we be able to even survive?

By the way, the title of the paragraph was ADA. So here’s our wonderful big papa of a government looking out for us once again. Now that I think about it my employer doesn’t provide me with windows either. THAT’S why I am so depressed! I knew there was a reason. I’m headed to my doctor Monday morning to get a note. I suggest that each of you that aren’t provided windows should do the same. Hey, it’s a federal precedent now. Where would we be without the federal courts looking out for us? I say windows for everyone!

Ok, you get my point. It’s just amazing to me how fragile we have become. Not that many years ago this would have not even been entertained in our court system. Our newly bred over-litigious society is now headed on the path of taking our country down. Our government doesn’t have the brass to even look at tort reform. This may have something to do with how many of our professional senators are lawyers… think?

So there you have it. Yet another example of how disjointed our government has become and how dysfunctionality is propagated to its fullest in our country. God bless the federal courts or perhaps I should say God save the federal courts!

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