Wednesday, January 19, 2011


I thought I would think a little about people and their vices. We all have them and if you deny it you are kidding yourself. (That in of itself is a vice) I always like when I think about simple things, which my little brain has a tendency in doing, to look at a word’s basic definition. Here is my outdated dictionary’s definition…actually it has several:

1 (a)An evil action or habit (b)evil conduct (c) I like this definition; prostitution 2 a trivial fault or failing.

Curious how prostitution falls under the evil action or habit (Habit???Really?????) And not under a trivial fault or failing. Seems to me it would be as trivial a fault as a habit! I guess I should not focus on that one definition as I think the author, whoever the author for Webster’s Dictionary might be, was almost making an editorial comment. The author could have said booze or smoking or a very large group of other vices.

Do you wonder who actually invented the first dictionary? I guess the Bible could fall under that in some ways as it definitely defined many things although with each passing generation man tends to enjoy redefining behavior as a way, I think, of rationalizing. What kind of person has dictionary author on their resume? Do they sit around in committees trying to think up new words or make up new words so they can write a new book? Seems like a pretty tedious way to make a living. Personally I prefer massacring the existing words and sort of literally burning them beyond recognition.

Seems I have strayed from my original thought, what a surprise, so I will revisit it for a moment. We all have vices. I’m not here to air any dirty laundry….I do believe my list of vices could be considered average to below average. Writing is a sort of vice for me but I would consider it a good vice….not the evil habit but more the trivial fault. As I re-read that definition I come to the realization that a good vice is an oxymoron. According to the Webster geeks a vice can only be evil or trivial. (or prostitution)

I guess in a matter of speaking many of us have vices to replace what we really should be doing. (Or to forget what we really should be doing) Many people drink for that very reason. The fact is you can drink yourself into believing you have no worries but eventually you wake up realizing everything is as it was with the exception that you are hung over and more broke than you were. So vices are in the very simplest terms I think crutches. You can put lipstick on a pig but at the end of the day it’s still a pig.

Don’t have answers and I make no judgments here. Vices are what they are. You either learn to live with them if they don’t destroy you or you change. I try to fix what I can about myself and let the chips fall after that point. If this little post made you think a bit than you are obviously intellectually far superior to your other human friends…so rejoice in your superiority but try not to do it with a vice.

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